Ten steps to streamline your business development

Webinar | March 13, 2024 – 11:00 PM



Did you know March is the busiest month of the year for new vacancies?

That’s right, having analysed the last ten years of vacancies by month, 11% of annualised vacancies happen in March, meaning for recruiters, this is the time to make sure your business development process is in place to capitalise.

To do that, we are organising a free webinar, which is designed to be your critical checklist for your business development. Hosted by James Chaplin, CEO of Vacancysoft and Matt Gallivan, Head of Sales of JobAdder, think of this as covering the ten steps to success where we will be showcasing how best to:

  • Differentiate between good and bad leads
  • Use the AIDA technique – Open a call with insight
  • Integrate the Challenger method to steer the conversation
  • Have a benefit led framework to pitching
  • Overcome objections with SPIN
  • Split the difference when negotiating terms
  • Manage your pipeline
  • And more!!!

Especially for people who haven’t needed to do business development for the last few years, think of this as an essential refresher, to make sure you are razor sharp, right now. James and Matt the two co-hosts, both have over twenty years commercial experience and while with each of them, they have their own unique style, they will talk through the techniques they have honed over their careers, so you can quickly and easily win more business.

Along the way Vacancysoft will be offering a special free promotion for anyone attending, so if you feel this is relevant for you, register NOW!

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