Has Putin’s Trump card now been played?

Has Putin’s Trump card now been played?

Trump has spoken. Not only to Putin, but in Munich, to the European community also. For European leaders, the notion that a resolution on Ukraine could be negotiated solely between the United States and Russia—without their involvement—is entirely untenable. This is particularly concerning given that the U.S. has explicitly stated it does not perceive itself as a military guarantor post conflict.

Martech and the future of the Marketing profession

Martech and the future of the Marketing profession

Automation through technology is not a new phenomenon. Every generation can cite its own case study of how jobs have been replaced by people. However, historically, the segments of the workforce most likely to be disrupted, have been the blue collar workers, and office based work, has proven resilient against that change.

Finextra: UK fintech jobs market booms

Finextra: UK fintech jobs market booms

Fintech vacancies surged to 12,519 in 2024, up from 8,672 the previous year, driven by increased venture capital funding, AI adoption, and industry fragmentation, according to a report by Morgan McKinley and Vacancysoft.