The labour market data used in this press coverage was extracted from Vacancysoft Analytics. For more information, or to book a demo, click here.

Jun 7, 2021 | In the press


During April, job vacancies within the UK financial services sector were at their highest levels since before the pandemic recording an increase of over 275% compared with the same month last year. According to the latest finance sector trends report from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies and labour market analytics firm Vacancysoft.

The report showed that hiring for financial technology professionals shows the fastest growth, with openings for these specialists during the first four months of the year already at over 70% of the whole of 2020’s requirements.

Vacancies for IT specialists account for 31% of all vacancies within the sector, while other in-demand skills include marketing, KYC compliance (know your customer), operations management and client service delivery.

London accounted for 56% of all active vacancies within financial services by region, with the southeast of England coming in second with approximately 10%. While vacancy volumes in the first four-months of the year, in the northeast and northwest, are already surpassing the whole of 2021.

Ann Swain, Chief Executive of APSCo, said, “This latest data shows that the recovery is now well underway and while these figures show direct employer vacancies, it is clear that the recruitment sector also has a part to play in this recovery, as evidenced by one of our members, financial services recruiter Morgan McKinley. The firm was recently quoted sharing their own data which recorded a 70% quarter on quarter rise in vacancies registered. This clearly shows that employers are continuing to see the importance of the professional recruitment sector as partners in their plans to upskill for the recovery.”

First published in Staffing Industry Analysts News. Read the full article here.

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