Martech and the future of the Marketing profession

Martech and the future of the Marketing profession

Automation through technology is not a new phenomenon. Every generation can cite its own case study of how jobs have been replaced by people. However, historically, the segments of the workforce most likely to be disrupted, have been the blue collar workers, and office based work, has proven resilient against that change.

Marketing Snapshot

Marketing Snapshot

Stay informed with the latest insights on labour market shifts, hiring patterns, and industry-specific analytics. Our Snapshots highlight key developments across multiple sectors, helping you navigate the evolving recruitment landscape.

Marketing in Finance – UK Finance Labour Market Trends Report, September 2023

Marketing in Finance – UK Finance Labour Market Trends Report, September 2023

Looking back to 2019, the last pre-pandemic year, we observe a staggering 25% increase in marketing vacancies in 2023, with marketing constituting an 8.7% share of all professional vacancies in the sector, surpassing the 8.2% share observed in 2022. What this means is, not just is there a growth in marketing, but it is growing faster than almost any other area. This is according to the latest UK Finance Labour Market Trends report by Morgan Mckinley and market data analysts Vacancysoft.