Procurement Snapshot

Procurement Snapshot

Stay informed with the latest insights on labour market shifts, hiring patterns, and industry-specific analytics. Our Snapshots highlight key developments across multiple sectors, helping you navigate the evolving recruitment landscape.

Ireland Life Sciences Labour Market Trends, August 2023

Ireland Life Sciences Labour Market Trends, August 2023

As the markets have normalised post-pandemic, so the job flow has slowed for scientists. In contrast, engineering vacancies are on the rise, with an estimated 1577 openings in 2023, marking a 6.5% increase from 2022 according to Life Sciences specialist recruiters CPL, and labour market data analysts Vacancysoft.

Procurement – EEA/UK Life Sciences Labour Market Trends, July 2023

Procurement – EEA/UK Life Sciences Labour Market Trends, July 2023

Within the EU-27, the month of March 2023 witnessed the highest monthly total this year with 461 published Procurement/Supply Chain jobs. However, Q2 has seen a marked dip since then, hence the EU-27 countries are expected to undergo a decrease of 11.8% in 2023, according to Life Sciences specialists CPL, and labour market data analysts Vacancysoft.

Activity for Procurement Professionals – 2018

Activity for Procurement Professionals – 2018

2018 saw a significant increase in activity for Procurement Professionals, where the industry that witnessed the biggest change was Consumer Goods & Services. Q2 2018 in particular constituted a peak point for the year, with vacancies up over 50% on the same...