Fintech Snapshot
- Fintech vacancies in 2024 are on track to be 23.8% higher than in 2023
- Q3 2024 volumes are 16.7% higher than Q3 2023
- London dominates, with over 70% of the vacancies this year
- IT vacancies are 200%+ higher than last year, making this the fastest-growing area
Fintech vacancies in 2024 are on track to be 23.8% higher than in 2023 and significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels as VC/PE funding into the sector soars. However, volumes will still be about 50% under the levels seen during 2021-2022.
Upon analysing the monthly activity between this year and last, in Q3 in particular, volumes were on average 16.7% higher than last year. Equally, Q4 2023 saw the beginning of the resurgence in the sector, so it will be interesting to see how Q4 2024 compares as a result.
Similarly, when breaking down the activity between London and the rest of the country, what can be seen is that the biggest growth has been in the capital. As a result, over 70% of the vacancies this year to date have been in London.
In terms of skills in demand, it is IT that has had the biggest year-on-year uplift, with vacancies on track to be 200+% higher than in 2023. In another positive sign, sales roles have also seen a big uplift as well.
In terms of companies to watch, Checkout are on track for a four-fold increase in vacancies, in 2024 compared to last. Similarly, Wise is also increasing its recruitment aggressively this year, whereas Revolut in contrast, is having a slower year.
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