In-House Legal Vacancies


  • In-house vacancies on track to increase by 3.3% compared to 2023
  • There has been a marked increase in activity in Q3 compared to Q2, with volumes up 17.7%
  • Scotland has had the biggest YOY increase, with a 27.3% uplift
  • Software companies have become the largest sector as a result with an increase of 16.2%

In-house vacancies on track to increase by 3.3% compared to 2023. 2022 remains the peak year for vacancies over the five year period.

There has been a marked increase in activity in Q3 compared to Q2, with volumes up 17.7%, with September being the busiest month of the quarter.

London is the biggest region for IH vacancies, while Scotland has had the biggest YOY increase, with a 27.3% uplift.

Banking was the biggest sector in 2023 but has had a sharp drop off this year. Software companies have become the largest sector as a result with an increase of 16.2%

The FCA has been the leading recruiter in 2024 so far, equally it is Thomson Reuters who have had the biggest YOY increase amongst the top ten.

Please note, if you enjoyed this snapshot, all the charts used in this were generated using the analytics portal, and with a republishing license, you can create content like this, using your own colour scheme and branding, so if you would like a complimentary workshop with one of our team to discuss any of this further, please do sign up here:

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