IT Development London Snapshot


  • London IT Development vacancies on track to increase by 8.8% compared to 2023
  • Q3 shows an uplift of 10.1% compared to Q2
  • Fintech posts the biggest YOY increase, with volumes up by 91.7%
  • Machine Learning / AI roles across all sectors see an increase of 103%

London IT Development vacancies on track to increase by 8.8% compared to 2023. However, activity remain below pre-pandemic levels.

Q3 shows an uplift of 10.1% compared to Q2, as July proves to be the busiest month of the year for vacancies.

Fintech posts the biggest YOY increase, with volumes up by 91.7%. Investment Banks also scale up recruitment.

Software Engineers are leading skill in demand, with vacancies increasing by 30.7%. Machine Learning / AI roles however see an increase of 103%.

JP Morgan post the most vacancies in London, whilst amongst the top ten recruiters, Checkout sees the biggest YOY growth.

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