IT Snapshot


  • 10% decrease in vacancies for IT professionals YoY
  • IT vacancies rose by nearly 8% from Q2 to Q3 2024
  • 33.7% increase for IT Consulting roles
  • Fintech is the fastest-growing sector, with vacancies up by 34.7% YoY

The UK  faces IT professionals shortages, as evidenced by a 10% decline in vacancies.

IT vacancies rose by nearly 8% from Q2 to Q3 2024, with July emerging as the peak hiring month.

IT Development and Engineering remain the largest fields for professionals, yet the most significant growth was in IT Consulting roles, with a 33.7% increase.

Fintech is the fastest-growing sector, with vacancies up by 34.7% year on year.

JPMorgan Chase & Co leads among top firms, achieving a remarkable 27% growth.

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