Law Firms in the North – Snapshot


  • Legal vacancies among law firms are forecasted to grow by 24.7%
  • Q3 is the busiest period, with 21.6% growth in vacancies to Q2
  • Legal vacancies in other sectors face a 7.5% decline
  • North East England is the fastest-growing region, with a 38.5% surge

Legal vacancies in law firms are forecasted to grow by 24.7%, reaching the highest number of vacancies in the past five years.

Q3 is the year’s busiest period, with vacancies growing by 21.6% since Q2, though the peak month was March.

While legal vacancies in law firms are growing, holding 79% of total shares, other sectors face a 7.5% decline, with their share dropping from 25% to 21%.

North East England is the fastest-growing region, with a 38.5% surge in vacancies, followed by Yorkshire and the Humber at 35.9%, and the North West at 23.6%.

Fletchers Solicitors tops the list of leading companies with remarkable growth, posting an impressive 102 vacancies.

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