Risk & Compliance Snapshot


  • UK Banking Risk & Compliance vacancies are set to be 12% lower than in 2023
  • September saw a significant surge, with new vacancies at a four month high
  • Scotland had the biggest year on year drop off, with volumes down by 24%
  • Operational Risk is in demand, with vacancies on track to be 9% up on last year

UK Risk & Compliance vacancies in Banking are set to be 12% lower than in 2023. This drop off is the same, both in London and across the country.

There was a significant uplift in September 2024, with more vacancies in the month than any other going back to May of this year. Similarly, volumes were 16.7% higher than September 2023.

Outside of London, Scotland remains the largest regional block in terms of risk & compliance vacancies, equally volumes fell by 24% in 2024, double the national average.

Overall compliance remains the biggest area, equally demand for operational risk professionals is increasing, with vacancies on track to be 9% higher than last year. 

JP Morgan is the leading recruiter for risk & compliance in the UK in 2024, equally volumes have dropped significantly compared to last year. In contrast, Citi are the ones to watch, with volumes up by 37.5%.

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